2014 02 샤이니 키 김기범 인스타그램 키스타 bumkeyk

키스타 bumkeyk/2014년

140201 how was your day my lil freaks <3 i ate a lot slept a lot ..and FROZEN!!!!!!!!!! do you want to build a snowman~~~~


140211 TAXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

140212 guess who s puppy in the middle of C&G !! they'll give you warm hug so don't cry don't be angry believe me and believe us

140215 Boo-yah !

140217 The thing is you're always right never lose yourself and #key

140217 끝사랑 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ @etudeglobal

140217 이어서 끝사랑

140217 마무리


140220 how bout a dance ~ what do u say~ i got some move~ that i luv to show ya

140220 err body check this out!!!!! :-) coming sooon TOHEART

140220 this one

140222 buying for TH

140223 come and get my stuff

140225 kick ass !!!!

140226 check this out my freaks i'm a model

140227 애들주려고냉장고에서사과를꺼냈더니아이들이갑자기이족보행을시작했다드디어정체를드러낸건가무서운녀석들

140228 icantalkwithanimals