2014 04 샤이니 키 김기범 인스타그램 키스타 bumkeyk

키스타 bumkeyk/2014년

140401 what is so funny

140401 visitor 영감

140401 영감이오게된전말은이러하다

140403 shinee world 3 rehearsal !(in korea) see you in mexicooooooooooooooo!

140403 출발

140404 멕시코 mexico

140405 tour diary 1

140405 tour diary 2

140405 tour diary 3

140406 tour diary 4 ! guess where we were !! 멕시코간 샤이니

140408 we're on a plane with champaine so cheers!!!! my little freaks!

140408 raining... here ! i miss u all


140411 six flags <3

140412 safe my lips!!!


140413 now i'm sitting here

140413 behind the scene


140415 산타모니카 !!나모기물린건가온몸이가렵다

140416 빨리모든일이잘풀리길기도하겠습니다.